

A Beginners Guide on What is Spirituality and How to Develop Clarity of Mind, a Healthy Body and Full Involvement with Life


What is Spirituality
Accepting That There is Something Bigger Than You Is The First Step To Understanding What Spirituality Is

One of the most misunderstood and misinterpreted words in the world today is “Spirituality”. Many people, not satisfied with the doctrine, rituals and customs of organized religion, prefer to call themselves “Spiritual”.

Actually “What is Spirituality?” What is a “Spiritual Person” like? How to live a Spiritual Life? We will go deep into these questions and attempt to answer them in a simple manner.

There is a very fine line between being Spiritual, Religious and Ritualistic. While many consider themselves spiritual, the reality is that they may in fact be doing many rituals connected with their religion. They are on the path, but they will have to mature a great deal before they actually become Spiritual. The Difference between Religion & Spirituality is that there are countless people Living a Spiritual Life which is totally different from being religious or being attached to an organized religion.

That is because True Spirituality requires a great deal of Maturity. Not that if you are spiritual you have to be against all rituals or condemn them. It is just that you graduate to a different level of Thinking and Being. So

How to Live a Spiritual Life?

What is Spirituality
Spiritual Life Is All About Living With The Best Qualities Embodied In a Human Being

Being Spiritual doesn’t mean that you have to do something special. It is just that you have to be aware of your whole being which comprises your body, mind, emotions and life energies. If you look after them well you will reach a level of mature rationalisation, which is the Goal of Spirituality.

Spirituality also means that you know of something which is bigger than your little self. It may be an experience, an aspect of nature or something which leaves you in awe and wonder.

This puts you in touch with the process of creation and shows you how to be one with the creator itself. This should be the ultimate Spiritual Life Goal.

We will now look at some of the Examples of Spirituality which if imbibed into our lives, we can experience the oneness of all creation and get into close proximity with the creator. These Spiritual Activities will give a clear picture of Why Spiritual Life is Important.

Meaning & Purpose of Life

Spiritual Life
When You Know What Your Calling In Life Is, Then There is No Fear, Doubt or Indecision In Anything You Do

The moment a person begins to ask questions like “Why have I been born?”, “What is the purpose of my life?”, “Why does existence exist?” and similar ones on these lines, then you can be sure that the person has taken the first step on the path of Spirituality.

There comes a time in the life of every person when they feel an emptiness whatever they have achieved in their lives.

It does not matter whether they have scaled heights in the field of music, business, arts or sports. Suddenly all they have attained seems hollow and they come to a feeling of the futility of everything. This is when they start questioning the meaning of life.

So, what is the Meaning of Life? Or is there any Meaning?

There is one school of thought which believes that the meaning of “LIFE” is just that. Live. Life Energy is flowing inside you and you just ensure that you do all the things that you are meant to do, being in that situation in the world.

What all living beings do (including trees, plants, animals, birds, reptiles and insects) is reach the maximum potential of their given lives. They attempt to bring out all the capabilities they have been given and produce the flowers, fruits and the full possibilities in their existence.

But what will human beings do? All living beings live with the power of instinct, which is inbuilt in them. But humans have been given the discriminating intellect that all other beings do not possess. This is the reason such questions arise in the human mind.

The truth of the matter is that the Meaning of Life is only whatever significance the individual gives to it. You have the option to give any amount of worth you feel it has.

This brings us to another question. What is the Purpose of Life?

Here again, the esoteric way of thinking is that there is no explicit purpose. Everyone has to live the life they have been given in the best way possible, using and maximizing all the talents and abilities they have been endowed with.

But will the individual be happy with just this explanation? The answer is a definite NO. Every person wants to be a significant contributor to the world around them and is always looking for a life of Fulfillment.

So, how can you achieve this? Let’s look at a few of the ways in which you can find the Meaning of Your Life and Finding a Purpose which gives you total and ultimate freedom and satisfaction.

Discover Your Ikigai

Ikigai is a Japanese word, a loose translation of which means “A reason to live” or “One’s Life Purpose”. I call it “The reason for which you will get off your bed excitedly (or jump out) everyday in the morning.”

This motivation must be based on 4 aspects: What your Passion is; What you are good at doing; What the World Needs and What you will get paid for.

There are many things you have a passion for, but the world may not need it and will not pay for it. So it is difficult to sustain this for a long period of time.

Or you may not be good at doing what people will pay for doing. The secret is to find that unique talent or capability you have, that you like doing, can do it reasonably well and the world wants it and will pay you for doing it.

You can always follow you true passion on the side, as a hobby or as a pastime.

Overcome Limiting Beliefs

All of us have been through a lot of conditioning during the formative years of our life. Our childhood and youth are filled with experiences and happenings which leave an indelible memory in our minds.

All these things may not be true in the life situation we find ourselves currently in, but we hang to them anyway, because it gives a feeling of comfort and security.

To truly live our purpose we have to identify and move away from all these limiting viewpoints, learn to look at life afresh and work out the best way we can journey on our path to contentment.


Work Out An Action Plan

No success is ever attained without implementing the right action to achieve it. Once you have decided on the path you want to travel, the next step is to take massive action, so that there is no looking back.

It is not about starting with a small activity; it is to totally commit to it in such a way that you have to keep taking more steps forward without retracing it.

And then follow it up with dedication, commitment and a disciplined systematic plan of activities, which always takes you towards your goal.

Acceptance & Gratitude

Spiritual Person
When You Become Thankful For Everything You Get Even More

What we are going to talk about in this section is not the act of receiving a material thing and thanking someone for it, but the meaning of Acceptance and Gratitude in the Spiritual sense. Although the mind-set for doing so is very similar.

Acceptance basically means that you have stopped resisting whatever is happening and have surrendered yourself to the present moment.

This does not mean that you are weak; it is just a conscious preference for anything that has come your way, over which you have no control.

It also does not mean that you have to like it or endorse it. You have to be prepared and willing to make the most of it and even use it to your advantage.

The essence of being naturally spiritual is to focus on what is happening in the “Now” and not have the impulse to wish for it to be some other way. Focusing neither on the past or the future, you have to just tackle the situation as it unfolds in the moment, doing your best and doing it in the most effective manner possible.

Acceptance is put into practice by being in a state of receptiveness. Resistance only extends your negative experience and by accepting the current reality you become empowered to face all the challenging situations of your life in future.

When you truly understand that there are certain things in the world you can control and all the other things that are beyond your control, then Acceptance becomes truly entrenched in you.

Gratitude is the corollary to Acceptance. When you observe Acceptance, you suddenly realize how much you have to be thankful for in this world.

All the things that you have taken for granted, unexpectedly become very precious. You have something that need not have been there; but you have it and for that your appreciation spills over.

Research in Neuroscience has shown that those showing Gratitude are able to activate their hypothalamus, thus increasing their well-being, and consequently reducing stress.

Though it is sometimes difficult to have gratitude when everything in your life seems against you, if you contemplate with a calm mind, you will see that there is much to be grateful about.

However depressing or negative the situation is, there will always be a silver lining to it which you can make use of, if you are sufficiently aware. It’s just a question of having faith and looking hard enough.

When Gratitude is not present Worry takes its place. If you are aware that the people, situations and experiences are exactly what you need for your life Gratitude becomes a part of you.

Forgiveness & Letting Go

Spiritual Person
When You Forgive Another Person You are Actually Doing a Great Service To Yourself

One of the most important characteristics of Natural Spirituality is the quality of Forgiving and Letting Go.

It is normal for most people to get angry or have animosity and hatred towards someone who in their perception has harmed them or wronged them.

This dislike, acrimony or resentment does not in any way harm the other person; rather it brings great destruction to you. This is the primary reason why you must learn to forgive, though not necessarily forget it.

Forgiving does not mean that you have forgotten what that person has done to you. It is a confirmation that the person concerned no longer has the power to control the way you feel inside of yourself.

Forgiveness is an internal experience, not influenced by the insensitiveness or hostility that the other has towards you. It empowers you in such a way that no one can control your emotions anymore.

You still reserve the right to your anger but you also have the power to let go of it voluntarily. It is all about how much control and awareness you have about your emotions and behaviour.

Letting Go gives you greater clarity on whom you can trust in the future and to what extent you should be emotionally attached to a person or thing.

Forgiving and Letting Go gives you a healthy boundary for your feelings and assists you in discriminating between which relationships are good for you and which are not.

Finally, by continuing the practice of the Letting Go, you bring more happiness and good health into your life.

Responsibility & Inclusiveness

When You Are Able To Respond To Anything That Comes in Your Path, Then Nothing Can Stop You From Achieveing Your Goals

It is a well known fact that we are responsible for all our conscious Thoughts, Words and Actions. But what if I tell you that you are responsible for all the Unconscious Thoughts, Words and Actions.

You would be aghast. Why should I be responsible for all that I am not aware of? This is where the core of Natural Spirituality comes in.

Everything that has been in touch with your 5 senses is recorded inside of you, most in the brain and the rest in different layers of memory within your body.

To be Spiritual is to understand that each and every atom in the universe is connected and all that you are experiencing boils down to the fact that you are attracting them, either consciously or unconsciously.

This naturally means that you are responsible for everything, though right now it is not in your understanding.

Responsibility has been broken down by many teachers into two words “Response” and “Ability” and that is what the link to Spirituality is.

The defining factor of any situation that comes your way in life is whether you are able to respond appropriately. Not that you will be able to do everything in every situation. But at least your mind-set should be such that you are willing to respond if need be and if it is in your capability.

If you harbor a true feeling of Inclusiveness, you will naturally feel responsible. If everything is a part of you how will you not feel responsible?

Experiments and research by Quantum Physicists have proved beyond doubt that the whole universe is made up of one energy and all creation is just different manifestations of that single energy, in various forms.

Inclusiveness means that you have come to understand that truth experientially and no there is no more separation of your little self from everything else. This is very liberating and leads to humility and subjugation of the ego.

You don’t stop doing things for yourself, but the essential distinction is that now you do things in which you include the larger picture, and do only those things taking everyone’s good into consideration.

Integrity & Core Values

Your Core Values Define Who You Are

When an item you have purchased has not been billed, do you point it out to the shopkeeper and ensure that you pay it? Or – When you are at a traffic junction and the signal is red, do you wait for it to turn green before you move, even if there is no traffic policeman around?

If the answer to both the questions are ‘Yes” then you possess the very important quality of Integrity.

The Definition of Integrity as given in the Oxford Dictionary is as follows: “the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles” and also “the state of being whole and undivided”.

It also has a lot to do with Honesty, though integrity is that and much more. It is to live in harmony with your Core Values, keep your commitments when you have given your word and you do right thing, whether you are being watched or not.

People who display Integrity are gracious and respectful to everyone. They are usually reliable, hardworking and helpful to those who need them at any time. A person with integrity also shows patience and responsibility in all the actions they perform.

This one quality elicits great respect from all around them and they can be depended upon during a crisis. People with Integrity are Mentally Tough also. This naturally leads to a certain respect and trust from others, which is not shown to the rest of the people around.

Integrity is the One Worthy Trait that everyone who wants to be spiritual must have. Besides, every human being must develop a set of Core Values, by which they are going to live their lives.

The Dynamics of Spiritual Life entails that these Core Values must not be compromised upon, come what may, and should stand as the bedrock of all their decisions whatever the circumstances.

Whenever faced with a crisis or a moral dilemma, you have to assess it in the light of your Core Values and ensure that you do the right thing without conceding an inch on it.

Core Values are those which are seen when you act during a challenging or demanding situation. It is usually judged by your beliefs and actions.

But how do you identify your very own Core Values?

You can start off by examining the instances in your life when you had to make a morally correct decision, especially during an emergency. You could also introspect and discover what quality is there in you which you will never compromise on.

It could also be something which gives you tremendous joy or an aspect without which you cannot live. Or it could be something that lives your life meaning and gives you the purpose for your living.

Most people live in accordance with their Core Values without ever being conscious of it. Most don’t choose it willfully, but it is inculcated into them by their parents, teachers or peers, at a very young age.

It is also very important that one does not adopt Core Values which have negative connotations or those that bring harm and misery to others.

Empathy & Compassion

When You Can Understand Another Person’s Feelings From Their Point Of View, Then You Are Close To Divinity

If you are aware of and sensitive to another person’s thoughts, feelings and experiences, then you can be called an Empathetic person. If you want to Develop Your Spirituality, then this is an important attribute that you have to cultivate.

Empathy is the trait of an individual to recognize other people’s emotions, imagine themselves in the other person’s place and understand their point of view.

It is different from sympathy in the sense that when you feel sympathy you are doing so from your perspective, but having Empathy means you are identifying completely with the other person from his perspective.

Empathy happens when you are aware “Why” that person is feeling the way they do, but not necessarily sharing it. Sympathy is mostly a reaction of pity and sorrow for the other’s feelings, where sharing of the feeling also takes place.

Showing Empathy we can still be in control of our Mental Stability and Emotional Balance, but being too sympathetic may lead to entanglement with the others emotions, causing harm to us also.

When Empathy reaches a critical point it turns to Compassion, where you not only feel for the other person, but now you start taking action also to alleviate the other person’s misery.

The component of “action” is generally not present in empathy and sympathy as it mostly a way of letting the person come out with their grief.

Many people may not be really looking for others to do something for them in times of distress and sorrow. All they want will be somebody to listen to them so that they can get the unhappiness out of their chest.

Compassion arises when you make a decision that the other person does not deserve what they have got and you choose to do something about it.

Compassion usually crops up when there is physical proximity to the persons concerned. Reading newspapers about natural disasters and then wanting to do something about it is mostly sympathy and maybe even empathy for a few, but does not constitute compassion.

By being compassionate you are not doing something constructive just for others, actually you do it for yourself. This is because the universe consists of one energy and what goes around has to come back.

If you are able to understand this deeper meaning of compassion, it can be very liberating and brings a great sense of peace and fulfillment.

Self-Awareness & Consciousness

If You Know Yourself Truly Well On The Inside As Well As The Outside, You Can Rule The World Holding Your Head High

Self-Awareness can be defined as the “ability to focus on one’s thoughts, emotions and actions and how it aligns with your Core Values.” It can also be described as an “awareness of your own personality and individuality.”

True Self-Awareness encompasses all that we have inside of ourselves. This includes all our passions, behaviours, desires, strengths, weaknesses, reactions to others and our response to the environment.

Self-Awareness can be demarcated into 2 types: Internal & External. Internal Self-Awareness means how we see ourselves in relation to the world, while External Self-Awareness is all about knowing how the outer world perceives you.

A strong Internal Self-Awareness helps in building up good Interpersonal Relationships, Control over our Positive and Negative Emotions and general satisfaction with our job or vocation. This leads to you becoming a naturally happy person, and you are even aware of your joyfulness.

Strong External Self-Awareness is very beneficial to your behaviour in society, as you are aware of how others perceive you and this leads to greater leadership skills and better communication with one and all.

Self-Awareness is a foundation for Self-Efficacy, as it develops optimism and confidence in everything you do. It also improves Creativity and Decision making, making you a natural leader.

Self-Awareness attributes are present during infancy, but slowly fades away as you grow up, so much so that most are not fully aware about themselves during the adult stage.

This is a quality which can be developed at any age, and the most effective way is through Meditation and Yoga.

Consciousness can be termed as the Elder Brother/Sister of Self-Awareness, where there is an increased alertness to everything about you and things around you.

From time immemorial, people from all the esoteric schools of thought have struggled to give a proper explanation for it. Simply put, it is everything that is in your experience.

It is the ability to be sensitive and finely tuned to all the thoughts, emotions, actions, energy and happenings around you, in your normal circumstances of life.

Many Theories have been developed on this aspect of an individual’s life, and many religions have shown the way to access and master this elusive characteristic, which is probably only seen in a human being.

Neuroscientists have been researching this fascinating attribute of life and where it is controlled in the brain. Although much progress has been made, the fact is that it is still a mystery.

Meditation & Yoga

If You Are Able To Align Your Body And Mind To The Cosmos, Then You Will Experience The Ultimate Joy of Liberation

Meditation is the First and Last Medicine for all the illnesses and diseases in the world. This statement might sound preposterous to all the medical doctors in the world, but there is a lot of awareness in the world today that allopathic medicine might not be the “be all and end all” for the problems in the world.

The problem is that most people are not sure about what Meditation is and what it is not, besides being unsure about how and where to begin.

Some form of Meditation has always been practiced for thousands of years in all the civilizations across the world. It started off as a simple practice to understand life beyond the dimension of the physical, but today it has taken on various forms to address every facet of life.

It is basically a Technique of simply “Letting Go”, though it cannot be called a technique at all. Because you can’t “Do” meditation. You can only sit for meditation and then let it happen.

Meditation is a process where you become meditative and does not mean that it is over with that particular session. It is something that you imbibe into your core and live out your life meditatively.

When you sit for a Meditation Session, what you are doing is to bring about a sense of heightened awareness through focused attention on a particular subject.

This could be your Breath, a Sound, a Visual Prop, Thoughts, Sensations or any other support which facilitates you to go deeper into your mind and bring about a sense of clarity and calmness.

Today there are so many types of meditation, fundamentally because it now has scientific support for the benefits it can give and the excellent results proclaimed by its practitioners.

Some of the Scientifically Proven Benefits of Meditation are given below:

=> Meditation helps improve Attention, Focus and Concentration

=> It is a sure shot way to handle stress and calm down the system

=> It increases Self-Awareness and helps you to be rooted in the present moment

=> It increases Patience and Tolerance and activates your acceptance of all situations

=> Meditation brings about a state of Equanimity, Serenity and Tranquillity which leads to more Clarity of Mind

=> It helps in controlling anxiety and finding solutions to your problems

=> It raises your Emotional Quotient and helps you deal with your Fears

=> It has been shown to Reduce Memory Loss related to age factors

=> It improves the Quantity and Quality of Sleep

=> Meditation has proved effective in reducing many medical conditions like blood pressure, skin disorders, heart palpitations etc.

There are many other benefits claimed by yogis, which largely depend on the discipline, regularity and commitment with which you go about the daily routine of sitting for meditation. It is a very good example of a Mental Fitness Activity also.

Another practice which has become a rage in the world today is Yoga, which originated in the Indian Continent, more than 10,000 years ago.

Yoga in Sanskrit literally means “to Yoke” or “Union”. This was primarily practiced to bring about the unification of the body and mind with the cosmic reality.

Today there are many schools of Yoga, most of which are not necessarily dedicated to this cause, but used more as a form of physical exercise for fitness and good health.

While these are the extra benefits one gets from being a Yoga Practitioner, the core reason is that one can bring about coordination between the body, mind, breath, thoughts, emotions and your life energies.

Yoga needs self-control and a dedication to the daily schedule, wherein it becomes a part of your life. It is not to be learnt from just anyone who is advertising it, but it should be initiated by a learned Guru, who is adept at it.


Thus we have seen the various facets of Spirituality which when practised diligently can make your Spiritual Self stronger, since it is just a way of living in tune with the natural laws, by which each one of us are bound by.

Most of the features of Natural Spirituality have been propounded by organized religions for many centuries, albeit with their own understanding of how exactly it has been followed with religious codes and ethics.

Over the last 100 years, many people in the world have lost faith in religions because of irrational Spiritual Beliefs and the animosity it has caused among sections of society.

 But sorrow and misery is still prevalent in all segments of the social order and so it has become imperative that we find our unique way to deal with all the distress that people face every day.

Natural Spirituality is thus the way for society to go forward in handling their struggles by not only growing in their consciousness, but also helping other people to grow along with them.

This needs a devoted effort from all, so that they find Meaning and Purpose in their lives. When they leave this earth, they can be content that they found fulfillment in their lives and left the world a better place for others to live in.


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